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We estimate 500 attendees, similar to the January 2023 event.

The deadline to submit copy for inclusion in the written program, the TAPWA website, and stage promotions is Friday, September 13, at 5:00 PM.

Send your promotional logo and ad copy as soon as possible to be included in pre-event marketing notifications to [email protected].

  • This donation includes your color 3-inch by 2-inch ad in the program and 2 admissions.

  • This donation Includes an 8-foot by 8-foot display area with table, 4 admissions, electric outlet access if requested, and stage promotions.

  • This donation includes an 8-foot by 8-foot display area with table, electric outlet access if requested, quarter-page color print ad in the program, 6 admissions, and a link to your organization at the event page. Sponsors who register after 5 PM September 13 will be included only on the online event page.

  • This donation includes an 8-foot by 8-foot display area with table, electric outlet access if requested, half-page color print ad in the program, 8 admissions, link to your organization at the event page, and stage promotions. Sponsors who register after 5 PM September 13 will be included only on our event page and during stage promotions.

  • This donation includes an 8-foot by 8-foot display area with table, electric outlet access if requested, full-page color print ad in the program, 10 admissions, link to your organization at the event page, and stage promotions. Sponsors who register after 5 PM September 13 will be included only on our event page and during stage promotions.

Please note that all sponsorship donations are nonrefundable.

By checking above, you give TAPWA permission to send you occasional news and updates. We will not sell your info.


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RegFox Event Registration Software